Corrosion Solutions
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) has recently been discovered as a contributing force in corrosion of wet, dry, and pre-action fire sprinkler systems. Symptoms of MIC include pinhole leaks, smelly water, black water, and tubercles.
These symptoms were long considered to be "normal" for fire sprinkler systems and to be part of the industry. Unfortunately, these corrosive symptoms have increased in the last few years, costing the industry millions of dollars annually. Further investigation has discovered that MIC is a leading factor, causing some to look for solutions to their corrosion problems before they cause extensive damage.
Starfire, Inc., offers a variety of simple, noninvasive avenues to test, monitor, and treat your system.
Bacterium Test Kit
Pipe Sample Test
Coupon Probe Replacement and Test Kit
Potter Pipe-Shield Test Kit
Coupon Replacement and Test Kit
Dissolved Iron Water Test Kit
Pipe Failure Corrosion Test Analysis
5-Year Deposit Sludge Test Kit
Water Test Kit
Water/Deposit Test Kit
Potter Corrosion Monitoring Probe Kit
Corrosion Monitoring Station Riser Mount - Wet Pipe
System Trouble Alarm
Potter Nitrogen Generators
Potter Pipe-Shield Corrosion Inhibitor
Corrosion Dry Air Pak
IntelliPurge Nitrogen Purge Valve
IntelliPurge Remote Annunciator
Self-Purging Valve Kit
Self-Purging Valve Kit with Automatic Valve
Potter Automatic Air Release
Potter Air Vent
Potter Chemical Delivery System
Portable Chemical Injection System